April "ape(s)" Peng

Ape Short Hurr

This is my landing page


Here are list of my personality traits - discovered from both self-awaredness and also told/screamed/whispered to me by others.

  • crazy
  • funny
  • sweet
  • soft-spoken
  • crass
  • eccentric
  • difficult
  • stubborn
  • wild
  • smart
  • interesting
  • insightful
  • idealistic
  • positive
  • negative
  • fun

If this helps: my astrological profile ~

My rising sign is on the cusp of Capricorn and Aquarius. People's first impression of me is either that I have serious RBF syndrome or that I'm very approachable.

My sun sign falls on the cusp of Aries-Taurus ... part of the "Bullies" clan. I'm impatient and aggressive, eager to get started, and nothing can stop me once I do.

My moon sign falls in Cancer. I can dish it, but I can't receive it. Be nice - I'm a squishy little water crab deep down.


Here are my projects listed in order of creation.

  1. Github API practice
  2. Pig Dice js lesson
  3. Final Code Review for the intro class
  4. Recreating an Article
  5. Cookie webpage
  6. Hello (multi-languages)
  7. Cupcake shop site
  8. Ronald & my retail shop

Feel like you know me? I'm sure you do a little bit.

Follow up questions and potential starters to conversations can go to me directly!